Sunday, November 30, 2008

Back to Back Wood Firings

November has been a busy month for us at the Cub Creek foundation, and most notably has been the success of two wood firings completed back to back. It was a big push and took tremendous effort… The trees were cut and hauled, split and stacked, and the pots were pumped through bisque firing, glazing, loading and round-the-clock firings. Each burn consumed approximately 2.5 chords of wood and 3 days of constant attention. We have been utilizing exclusively the first chamber of our naborigama kiln, to achieve more controlled and consistent wood-fired effects. The results have proved to be beautiful, subtle and expressive ceramic surfaces, while showing promising information for our next firing in January. We look forward to many more opportunities of working together, telling stories, exploring new techniques, and investigating this endless process.

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